After the castle was built, the design works began on the unique Stable and the water tower, led by architect Paul Alish. The construction was finished in 1887, including rooms for carriages, storages, and living premises for stable boys, in addition to the stable. Horses were trained in the courtyard.

Later, the rooms were used for the cows of the Count and, during occupation, kolkhoz administration, cows, and storage rooms. In the last decades, the building has stood empty and, as a result of the ravages of time, the only preserved parts are the external walls and a small proportion of the internal wall.
In 2019, the Stable of the Sangaste manor was reconstructed and saved from total demolition thanks to funding from Enterprise Estonia. After the renovation, we opened an exhibition of the life and activities of Count Berg, and the engineering wonders of his time.
Visitors get a chance to travel back in time, to 1845–1938, which was a time of incredible changes for everyone: people of that era witnessed the invention of cars, electricity, phones, and airplanes. First household appliances were introduced.
All exhibits can be touched and used to remind and relive the stories told by great grandparents.