Ringtalli väljanäitus “Rukkikrahv ja Ilmaimed” on krahv Bergi elust ja tegevusest, kuulsatest kaasaegsetest ja 19. sajandi teadusimedest.
Sangaste loss on üks paremaid pulmapaiku ja suurejooneliste pidude toimumiskohaks. Renoveeritud hotellil on 16 omanäolist tuba.
Sangaste manor offers a variety of activities and excitement for younger visitors and adults alike. We welcome everybody who appreciates history and culture. The majestic Sangaste manor offers beautiful serene, and peaceful nature surroundings.
The visitor centre of the Stable includes over 50 exhibits that tell the story of engineering wonders of the 19th century and Count Berg, the former head of Sangaste castle. The exhibition The Count of Rye and World Wonders invites visitors to travel back in time by a hundred years or more.
Organise trainings, seminars, or other gatherings.
The manor park behind the castle on a high ground beyond the ponds was established in the initiative of Count Berg who aspired to find foreign species of trees to complement the domestic species: some that would grow faster and be more productive than a spruce, birch, or pine.
Ootame külalisi, kes oskavad nautida ajaloo ja kultuuri sügavust,
looduse ilu, vaikust ja rahu suursuguses mõisas.